Welcome at CMP

The working group "Coatings, Materials & Polymers" (CMP) under the direction of Prof. Dr. Bremser is engaged in applied materials and process science. This field overlaps with parts of the classical chemistry and parts of mechanical engineering offering synergy potential. This is particularly true for coating, bonding and joining technologies, particle production and functionalization, boundary phase processes between composite materials and the development of new high-performance polymers. Project examples include the development of an easy-to-clean coating for concrete and automobile rims, environmentally friendly solvent substitution in wire enamels, grain boundary selective deposition of corrosion-inhibiting polymers on galvanized steel and the development of a bonded coating containing triboreductive functionalities as non-abrasive units. The industrial process "coating" (raw material development and functionalization) is considered in its interdependencie.

Course of study B.Sc. CTB

Further information on the course of study "Chemie und Technologie der Beschichtungsstoffe" can be found in this german PDF document.



We are member of the Institute for Lightweight Design with Hybrid Systems (ILH)

NRW Fortschrittskolleg

We are member of the NRW Fortschrittskolleg "Light - Efficient - Mobile".


Our Partner: The Chinesisch Deutscher Campus (CDC, in english: Chinese German Campus)