Con­fer­ence "New Per­spect­ives for Fire De­tec­tion by Nov­el and In­nov­at­ive Gas Sens­ing" 8.9.-9.9.2016 in Pader­born

 |  News AK Wagner

Aim of the conference

The future of gas sensors for fire and safety techniques is determined by new detection principles, new or enhanced sensors and sophisticated evaluation algorithms. Substantial progress attained since the first

successful EUSAS conference on this topic held 2012 in Saarbrücken should be presented and discussed.
The conference kicks off with a review of the state of the art in gas sensing by specific recognition of relevant
molecules. From there new optical detection techniques are presented both from university and industry research.
Some of these sensors interact directly with optical fibres avoiding any corrosion of electrical contacts.
Another contribution describes the application of fibre gratings for fie and explosive gases detection. Portable
ion mobility spectrometers with an innovative ion source extend the range of detectable gas species. Integrated
micro structured systems combine new synthesized enrichment materials, adaptable to specific detection
needs together with sensor elements and offer low power consumption. Another lecture reports on sensors
based on nanowires for even lower power consumption. Within the biomimetic session mimicking detection
systems of insect antennae like an innovative protection of organic sensor materials similar to the chitin sheath
and like using odorant binding proteins with graphene for selective sensing are presented.
Two concluding lectures are devoted to the aspect how the gas reaches the gas sensor. One of them deals
with smoldering fires in bulk goods, the other one deals with the planning and incorporation of fire detectors in industry surroundings.

Target group

The conference is aimed at planners and operators of public facilities, risk managers, security and fire protection personnel, technical developers, and scientists.


The conference flyer can be downloaded <link file:31313>here.

Conference Flyer