
Oxygen‐dependent Photoluminescence and Electrical Conductance of Zinc Tin Oxide (ZTO): A Modified Stern‐Volmer Description

L. Kothe, J. Klippstein, M. Kloß, M. Wengenroth, M. Poeplau, S. Ester, M. Tiemann, ChemPhysChem (2025).

Water in the Micropores of CPO-27 Metal-Organic Frameworks: A Comprehensive Study

M. Kloß, C. Weinberger, M. Tiemann, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 381 (2025) 113352.

Water Sorption on Isoreticular CPO-27-Type MOFs: From Discrete Sorption Sites to Water-Bridge-Mediated Pore Condensation

M. Kloß, L. Schäfers, Z. Zhao, C. Weinberger, H. Egold, M. Tiemann, Nanomaterials 14 (2024) 1791.

Understanding Hydration in CPO‐27 Metal‐Organic Frameworks: Strong Impact of the Chemical Nature of the Metal (Cu, Zn)

M. Kloß, M. Beerbaum, D. Baier, C. Weinberger, F. Zysk, H. Elgabarty, T.D. Kühne, M. Tiemann, Advanced Materials Interfaces 11 (2024) 2400476.

Gas Sensing with Nanoporous In2O3 under Cyclic Optical Activation: Machine Learning-Aided Classification of H2 and H2O

D. Baier, A. Krüger, T. Wagner, M. Tiemann, C. Weinberger, Chemosensors 12 (2024) 178.

Stabilisierung von O2-sensitiven Photolumineszenzsignalen durch Temperaturvariation

L. Kothe, S. Ester, M. Poeplau, M. Wengenroth, M. Tiemann, in: Proceedings 22. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung Sensoren Und Messsysteme 2024, 2024, pp. 66–71.

Natural near field coupled leaky-mode resonant anti-reflection structures: the setae of Cataglyphis bombycina

B. Schwind, X. Wu, M. Tiemann, H.-O. Fabritius, Frontiers in Physics 12 (2024).

Electrochemical Removal of HF from Carbonate-based LiPF6-containing Li-ion Battery Electrolytes

X. Ge, M. Huck, A. Kuhlmann, M. Tiemann, C. Weinberger, X. Xu, Z. Zhao, H.-G. Steinrueck, Journal of The Electrochemical Society 171 (2024) 030552.

Broadband Mie scattering effects by structural features of setae from the Saharan silver ant Cataglyphis bombycina

B. Schwind, X. Wu, M. Tiemann, H.-O. Fabritius, Journal of the Optical Society of America B 40 (2023) B49–B58.

When High‐Temperature Cesium Chemistry Meets Self‐Templating: Metal Acetates as Building Blocks of Unusual Highly Porous Carbons

J. Li, J. Kossmann, K. Zeng, K. Zhang, B. Wang, C. Weinberger, M. Antonietti, M. Odziomek, N. López‐Salas, Angewandte Chemie International Edition (2023).

UV-enhanced environmental charge compensation in near ambient pressure XPS

H. Müller, C. Weinberger, G. Grundmeier, M.T. de los Arcos de Pedro, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 264 (2023).

Overcoming Diffusion Limitation of Faradaic Processes: Property‐Performance Relationships of 2D Conductive Metal‐Organic Framework Cu3(HHTP)2 for Reversible Lithium‐Ion Storage

J.M. Wrogemann, M.J. Lüther, P. Bärmann, M. Lounasvuori, A. Javed, M. Tiemann, R. Golnak, J. Xiao, T. Petit, T. Placke, M. Winter, Angewandte Chemie International Edition 62 (2023) e202303111.

Hard carbon microspheres with bimodal size distribution and hierarchical porosity via hydrothermal carbonization of trehalose

M. Wortmann, W. Keil, E. Diestelhorst, M. Westphal, R. Haverkamp, B. Brockhagen, J. Biedinger, L. Bondzio, C. Weinberger, D. Baier, M. Tiemann, A. Hütten, T. Hellweg, G. Reiss, C. Schmidt, K. Sattler, N. Frese, RSC Advances 13 (2023) 14181–14189.

Selective Discrimination between CO and H2 with Copper–Ceria-Resistive Gas Sensors

D. Baier, T. Priamushko, C. Weinberger, F. Kleitz, M. Tiemann, ACS Sensors 8 (2023) 1616–1623.

Stimulation and Enhancement of Near‐Band‐Edge Emission in Zinc Oxide by Distributed Bragg Reflectors

L. Kothe, M. Albert, C. Meier, T. Wagner, M. Tiemann, Advanced Materials Interfaces (2022).

Pyrolysis of sucrose-derived hydrochar

M. Wortmann, W. Keil, B. Brockhagen, J. Biedinger, M. Westphal, C. Weinberger, E. Diestelhorst, W. Hachmann, Y. Zhao, M. Tiemann, G. Reiss, B. Hüsgen, C. Schmidt, K. Sattler, N. Frese, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 161 (2022).

Porous SiO2 coated dielectric metasurface with consistent performance independent of environmental conditions

R. Geromel, C. Weinberger, K. Brormann, M. Tiemann, T. Zentgraf, Optical Materials Express 12 (2022) 13–21.

The Structure of Water in Silica Mesopores – Influence of the Pore Wall Polarity

C. Weinberger, F. Zysk, M. Hartmann, N. Kaliannan, W. Keil, T. Kühne, M. Tiemann, Advanced Materials Interfaces 9 (2022).

Challenges in the interpretation of gas core levels for the determination of gas-solid interactions within dielectric porous films by ambient pressure XPS

T. de los Arcos, C. Weinberger, F. Zysk, V. Raj Damerla, S. Kollmann, P. Vieth, M. Tiemann, T. Kühne, G. Grundmeier, Applied Surface Science 604 (2022).

The role of sulfonate groups and hydrogen bonding in the proton conductivity of two coordination networks

A. Javed, F. Steinke, S. Wöhlbrandt, H. Bunzen, N. Stock, M. Tiemann, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 13 (2022) 437–443.

TiO2 nanoparticle coatings on glass surfaces for the selective trapping of leukemia cells from peripheral blood

J.A. Garcia Diosa, A. Gonzalez Orive, C. Weinberger, S. Schwiderek, S. Knust, M. Tiemann, G. Grundmeier, A. Keller, R.J. Camargo Amado, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials 109 (2021) 2142–2153.

New isoreticular phosphonate MOFs based on a tetratopic linker

F. Steinke, A. Javed, S. Wöhlbrandt, M. Tiemann, N. Stock, Dalton Transactions (2021) 13572–13579.

Examination of the evolution of iron oxide nanoparticles in flame spray pyrolysis by tailored in situ particle sampling techniques

R. Tischendorf, M. Simmler, C. Weinberger, M. Bieber, M. Reddemann, F. Fröde, J. Lindner, H. Pitsch, R. Kneer, M. Tiemann, H. Nirschl, H.-J. Schmid, Journal of Aerosol Science (2021).

Selective Modification of Hierarchical Pores and Surfaces in Nanoporous Materials

M. Tiemann, C. Weinberger, Advanced Materials Interfaces (2021).

Modeling of gyroidal mesoporous CMK-8 and CMK-9 carbon nanostructures and their X-Ray diffraction patterns

B. Schwind, J.-H. Smått, M. Tiemann, C. Weinberger, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (2021).

Review of infrared spectroscopy techniques for the determination of internal structure in thin SiO2 films

T. de los Arcos, H. Müller, F. Wang, V.R. Damerla, C. Hoppe, C. Weinberger, M. Tiemann, G. Grundmeier, Vibrational Spectroscopy (2021).

Nano-architectural complexity of zinc oxide nanowall hollow microspheres and their structural properties

K. Engelkemeier, J. Lindner, J. Bürger, K. Vaupel, M. Hartmann, M. Tiemann, K.-P. Hoyer, M. Schaper, Nanotechnology 31 (2020) 095701.

Selected Aspects for the Assessment of Laser Transmission Welding

V. Schöppner, A. Wübbeke, F. Schriegel, A. Paul, M. Tiemann, B. Geißler, M. Schmidt, A. Magnier, T. Niendorf, Joining Plastics (2020) 30–35.

Long- and Short-Term Tensile Strength and Morphology of Joined Beta-Nucleated Polypropylene Parts

A. Wübbeke, V. Schöppner, A. Paul, M. Tiemann, L. Austermeier, M. Fitze, M. Chen, F. Jakob, H.-P. Heim, T. Wu, T. Niendorf, M.-L. Röhricht, M. Schmidt, in: SPE ANTEC 2020: The Virtual Edition 5 , 2020.

Functional Nanoporous Materials

C. Weinberger, M. Tiemann, Nanomaterials (2020).

Nanoporous aluminum oxide micropatterns prepared by hydrogel templating

Z. Chen, D. Kuckling, M. Tiemann, Nanotechnology 31 (2020).

Proton Conduction in a Single Crystal of a Phosphonato‐Sulfonate‐Based Coordination Polymer: Mechanistic Insight

A. Javed, T. Wagner, S. Wöhlbrandt, N. Stock, M. Tiemann, ChemPhysChem (2020) 605–609.

Synthesis of Metal Oxide Inverse Opals from Metal Nitrates by PMMA Colloidal Crystal Templating

X. Zhang, C. Weinberger, S. Amrehn, X. Wu, M. Tiemann, T. Wagner, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2020) 3402–3407.

Cellulose Nanocrystal-Templated Tin Dioxide Thin Films for Gas Sensing

A. Ivanova, B. Frka-Petesic, A. Paul, T. Wagner, A.N. Jumabekov, Y. Vilk, J. Weber, J. Schmedt auf der Günne, S. Vignolini, M. Tiemann, D. Fattakhova-Rohlfing, T. Bein, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2020) 12639–12647.

Humidity-Mediated Anisotropic Proton Conductivity through the 1D Channels of Co-MOF-74

A. Javed, I. Strauss, H. Bunzen, J. Caro, M. Tiemann, Nanomaterials (2020).

Chemical and Morphological Transition of Poly(acrylonitrile)/Poly(vinylidene Fluoride) Blend Nanofibers during Oxidative Stabilization and Incipient Carbonization

M. Wortmann, N. Frese, A. Mamun, M. Trabelsi, W. Keil, B. Büker, A. Javed, M. Tiemann, E. Moritzer, A. Ehrmann, A. Hütten, C. Schmidt, A. Gölzhäuser, B. Hüsgen, L. Sabantina, Nanomaterials (2020).

Water adsorption and capillary bridge formation on silica micro-particle layers modified with perfluorinated organosilane monolayers

I. Giner, B. Torun, Y. Han, B. Duderija, D. Meinderink, A.G. Orive, M.T. de los Arcos de Pedro, C. Weinberger, M. Tiemann, H.-J. Schmid, G. Grundmeier, Applied Surface Science (2019) 873–879.

Nano-architectural complexity of zinc oxide nanowall hollow microspheres and their structural properties

K. Engelkemeier, J.K.N. Lindner, J. Bürger, K. Vaupel, M. Hartmann, M. Tiemann, K.-P. Hoyer, M. Schaper, Nanotechnology 31 (2019).

Langzeitfestigkeit von Schweißungen aus PP unter Berücksichtigung der Morphologie

V. Schöppner, A. Wübbeke, A. Paul, M. Tiemann, F. Fitze, L. Austermeier, M. Chen, F. Jakob, H.-P. Heim, T. Wu, T. Niendorf, M.-L. Röhricht, M. Schmidt, in: Werkstoffwoche (2019), Dresden (Deutschland), 2019.

Gas Responsive Nanoswitch: Copper Oxide Composite for Highly Selective H2S Detection

A. Paul, B. Schwind, C. Weinberger, M. Tiemann, T. Wagner, Advanced Functional Materials (2019).

Straightforward Immobilization of Phosphonic Acids and Phosphoric Acid Esters on Mesoporous Silica and Their Application in an Asymmetric Aldol Reaction

C. Weinberger, T. Heckel, P. Schnippering, M. Schmitz, A. Guo, W. Keil, H.C. Marsmann, C. Schmidt, M. Tiemann, R. Wilhelm, Nanomaterials (2019).

Phase Transitions of Ice in Aqueous Salt Solutions within Nanometer-Sized Pores

E. Jantsch, C. Weinberger, M. Tiemann, T. Koop, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2019) 24566–24574.

Copper Oxide/Silica Nanocomposites for Selective and Stable H2S Gas Detection

A. Paul, C. Weinberger, M. Tiemann, T. Wagner, ACS Applied Nano Materials (2019) 3335–3338.

Anisotropic Water-Mediated Proton Conductivity in Large Iron(II) Metal–Organic Framework Single Crystals for Proton-Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells

H. Bunzen, A. Javed, D. Klawinski, A. Lamp, M. Grzywa, A. Kalytta-Mewes, M. Tiemann, H.-A.K. von Nidda, T. Wagner, D. Volkmer, ACS Applied Nano Materials (2019) 291–298.

Graphene oxide as flexibilizer for epoxy amine resins

A. Wolk, M. Rosenthal, J. Weiß, M. Voigt, J.-N. Wesendahl, M. Hartmann, G. Grundmeier, R. Wilhelm, G. Meschut, M. Tiemann, W. Bremser, Progress in Organic Coatings (2018) 280–289.

Bimodal Mesoporous CMK-5 Carbon: Selective Pore Filling with Sulfur and SnO2 for Lithium Battery Electrodes

C. Weinberger, S. Ren, M. Hartmann, T. Wagner, Didem.Ş. Karaman, J.M. Rosenholm, M. Tiemann, ACS Applied Nano Materials (2018) 455–462.

Selective pore filling of mesoporous CMK-5 carbon studied by XRD: Comparison between theoretical simulations and experimental results

C. Weinberger, M. Hartmann, S. Ren, T. Sandberg, J.-H. Smått, M. Tiemann, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (2018) 24–31.

Hydrogels as Porogens for Nanoporous Inorganic Materials

C. Weinberger, D. Kuckling, M. Tiemann, Gels (2018).

Organic Polymers as Porogenic Structure Matrices for Mesoporous Alumina and Magnesia

Z. Chen, C. Weinberger, M. Tiemann, D. Kuckling, Processes (2017).

Photo-Cross-Linked Polydimethylacrylamide Hydrogels as Porogens for Mesoporous Alumina

C. Weinberger, Z. Chen, W. Birnbaum, D. Kuckling, M. Tiemann, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2017) 1026–1031.

Kinetics of ozone decomposition in porous In2O3 monoliths

D. Klawinski, C. Weinberger, D. Klaus, J.-H. Smått, M. Tiemann, T. Wagner, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2017) 10326–10332.

Assessment of the density of (meso)porous materials from standard volumetric physisorption data

C. Weinberger, S. Vetter, M. Tiemann, T. Wagner, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (2016) 53–57.

Screening of mixed-linker CAU-10 MOF materials for humidity sensing by impedance spectroscopy

A. Weiss, N. Reimer, N. Stock, M. Tiemann, T. Wagner, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (2016) 39–43.

Selective surface modification in bimodal mesoporous CMK-5 carbon

C. Weinberger, X. Cao, M. Tiemann, Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2016) 18426–18431.

Nanostructured Co3O4 as a CO gas sensor: Temperature-dependent behavior

S. Vetter, S. Haffer, T. Wagner, M. Tiemann, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2015) 133–138.

Light-activated resistive ozone sensing at room temperature utilizing nanoporous In2O3 particles: Influence of particle size

D. Klaus, D. Klawinski, S. Amrehn, M. Tiemann, T. Wagner, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2015) 181–185.

Surface-modified CAU-10 MOF materials as humidity sensors: impedance spectroscopic study on water uptake

A. Weiss, N. Reimer, N. Stock, M. Tiemann, T. Wagner, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (2015) 21634–21642.

Arduino-Based Shield for Resistive Gas Sensor Array Characterization Under UV Light Exposure

D. Aloisio, N. Donato, G. Neri, M. Latino, T. Wagner, M. Tiemann, P.P. Capra, in: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Cham, 2014.

New Sensing Model of (Mesoporous) In2O3

T. Wagner, N. Donato, M. Tiemann, in: Springer Series on Chemical Sensors and Biosensors, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2014.

Fructose as a Precursor for Mesoporous Carbon: Straightforward Solvent-Free Synthesis by Nanocasting

C. Weinberger, S. Haffer, T. Wagner, M. Tiemann, in: ACS Symposium Series, Washington, DC, 2014.

A synthesis concept for a nanostructured CoFe2O4/BaTiO3 composite: Towards multiferroics

S. Haffer, C. Lüder, T. Walther, R. Köferstein, S.G. Ebbinghaus, M. Tiemann, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (2014) 300–304.

Synthesis of mesoporous alumina through photo cross-linked poly(dimethylacrylamide) hydrogels

W. Birnbaum, C. Weinberger, V. Schill, S. Haffer, M. Tiemann, D. Kuckling, Colloid and Polymer Science (2014) 3055–3060.

One-step synthesis of multi-modal pore systems in mesoporous In2O3: A detailed study

D. Klaus, S. Amrehn, M. Tiemann, T. Wagner, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (2014) 133–139.

Nanoporous Materials: Synthesis Concepts and Model Experiments for School Chemistry Education

T. Wilke, S. Haffer, C. Weinberger, M. Tiemann, T. Wagner, T. Waitz, Journal of Nano Education (2014) 117–123.

Fructose and Urea as Precursors for N-/O-Modified Mesoporous Carbon with Enhanced Sorption Capacity for Heavy Metal Ions

C. Weinberger, S. Haffer, T. Wagner, M. Tiemann, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2014) 2787–2792.

Mesoporous materials as gas sensors

T. Wagner, S. Haffer, C. Weinberger, D. Klaus, M. Tiemann, Chem. Soc. Rev. (2013) 4036–4053.

Nanostructure-Related Magnetic Properties of Various Mesoporous Cobalt Oxide and Cobalt Ferrite Spinel Phases

S. Haffer, T. Walther, R. Köferstein, S.G. Ebbinghaus, M. Tiemann, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2013) 24471–24478.

UV light-enhanced NO2 sensing by mesoporous In2O3: Interpretation of results by a new sensing model

T. Wagner, C.-D. Kohl, C. Malagù, N. Donato, M. Latino, G. Neri, M. Tiemann, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2013) 488–494.

Nanostructured Metal Oxides for High-Temperature Gas Sensing: Structural Stabilization in Porous Metal Oxides

D. Klaus, M. Tiemann, T. Wagner, in: Proceedings IMCS 2012, AMA Service GmbH, Von-Münchhausen-Str. 49, 31515 Wunstorf, Germany, 2012.

Mechanistic Model for UV light-enhanced NO2 Sensing utilizing Ordered Mesoporous In2O3

T. Wagner, M. Tiemann, C.-D. Kohl, S. Morandi, C. Malagù, N. Donato, M. Latino, G. Neri, in: Proceedings IMCS 2012, AMA Service GmbH, Von-Münchhausen-Str. 49, 31515 Wunstorf, Germany, 2012.

NO2 Sensors with Reduced Power Consumption Based on Mesoporous Indium Oxide

N. Donato, T. Wagner, M. Tiemann, T. Waitz, C.-D. Kohl, M. Latino, G. Neri, D. Spadaro, C. Malagù, in: Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Boston, MA, 2012.

Mesoporöse Silica - Moderne Funktionsmaterialien im Chemieunterricht

T. Wilke, S. Haffer, M. Tiemann, T. Waitz, CHEMKON (2012) 67–72.

Mesoporous Al2O3 by Nanocasting: Relationship between Crystallinity and Mesoscopic Order

S. Haffer, C. Weinberger, M. Tiemann, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2012) 3283–3288.

Photoreduction of Mesoporous In2O3: Mechanistic Model and Utility in Gas Sensing

T. Wagner, C.-D. Kohl, S. Morandi, C. Malagù, N. Donato, M. Latino, G. Neri, M. Tiemann, Chemistry - A European Journal (2012) 8216–8223.

Photoluminescence Properties of Ordered Mesoporous ZnO

A. Chernikov, S. Horst, T. Waitz, M. Tiemann, S. Chatterjee, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2011) 1375–1379.

Micrometer-sized nanoporous tin dioxide spheres for gas sensing

J.-H. Smått, M. Lindén, T. Wagner, C.-D. Kohl, M. Tiemann, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2011) 483–488.

A High Temperature Capacitive Humidity Sensor Based on Mesoporous Silica

T. Wagner, S. Krotzky, A. Weiß, T. Sauerwald, C.-D. Kohl, J. Roggenbuck, M. Tiemann, Sensors (2011) 3135–3144.

Ordered Mesoporous Films and Membranes: Synthesis, Properties and Applications in Gas Sensors

M. Tiemann, in: G. Korotcenkov (Ed.), Nanostructured Materials, Momentum Press, New Jersey, 2010, pp. 291–310.

Periodic Mesoporous Organosilica (PMO) Materials with Uniform Spherical Core-Shell Structure

S. Haffer, M. Tiemann, M. Fröba, Chemistry - A European Journal (2010) 10447–10452.

Ordered nanoporous SnO2 gas sensors with high thermal stability

T. Waitz, B. Becker, T. Wagner, T. Sauerwald, C.-D. Kohl, M. Tiemann, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2010) 788–793.

Accessing Ultrashort Reaction Times in Particle Formation with SAXS Experiments: ZnS Precipitation on the Microsecond Time Scale

W. Schmidt, P. Bussian, M. Lindén, H. Amenitsch, P. Agren, M. Tiemann, F. Schüth, Journal of the American Chemical Society (2010) 6822–6826.

Halbleitende Metalloxide als Gassensoren im Chemieunterricht

T. Waitz, M. Tiemann, CHEMKON (2009) 183–186.

Gas sensor based on ordered mesoporous In2O3

T. Wagner, T. Sauerwald, C.-D. Kohl, T. Waitz, C. Weidmann, M. Tiemann, Thin Solid Films (2009) 6170–6175.

Ordered Mesoporous In2O3: Synthesis by Structure Replication and Application as a Methane Gas Sensor

T. Waitz, T. Wagner, T. Sauerwald, C.-D. Kohl, M. Tiemann, Advanced Functional Materials (2009) 653–661.

Time-resolved photoluminescence study of mesoporous ZnO nanostructures

M. Schwalm, S. Horst, A. Chernikov, W.W. Rühle, S. Lautenschläger, P.J. Klar, B.K. Meyer, T. Waitz, M. Tiemann, S. Chatterjee, Physica Status Solidi (c) (2009) 542–545.

New mesoporous metal oxides as gas sensors

T. Waitz, T. Wagner, C.-D. Kohl, M. Tiemann, in: Zeolites and Related Materials: Trends, Targets and Challenges, Proceedings of the 4th International FEZA Conference, 2008.

Repeated Templating

M. Tiemann, Chemistry of Materials (2008) 961–971.

Synthesis of mesoporous metal oxides by structure replication: Strategies of impregnating porous matrices with metal salts

J. Roggenbuck, T. Waitz, M. Tiemann, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (2008) 575–582.

Mesoporous Ceria by Structure Replication from Various Porous Matrices

J. ROGGENBUCK, M. Tiemann, in: Nanoporous Materials, 2008.

Ripening Effects in ZnS Nanoparticle Growth

M. Tiemann, F. Marlow, J. Hartikainen, Ö. Weiss, M. Lindén, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2008) 1463–1467.

Iron oxide nanoparticles supported on mesoporous MgO and CeO2: A comparative physicochemical and catalytic study

T. Tsoncheva, J. Roggenbuck, M. Tiemann, L. Ivanova, D. Paneva, I. Mitov, C. Minchev, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (2008) 339–346.

Critical evaluation of the state of iron oxide nanoparticles on different mesoporous silicas prepared by an impregnation method

T. Tsoncheva, J. Rosenholm, M. Linden, F. Kleitz, M. Tiemann, L. Ivanova, M. Dimitrov, D. Paneva, I. Mitov, C. Minchev, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials (2008) 327–337.

Gas-sensing properties of ordered mesoporous Co3O4 synthesized by replication of SBA-15 silica

T. Wagner, J. Roggenbuck, C.-D. Kohl, M. Fröba, M. Tiemann, in: Recent Progress in Mesostructured Materials - Proceedings of the 5th International Mesostructured Materials Symposium (IMMS2006), Shanghai, P.R. China, August 5-7, 2006, 2007.

In-situ X-ray diffraction study on the formation of a periodic mesoporous organosilica material

M. Tiemann, C.V. Teixeira, M. Cornelius, J. Morell, H. Amenitsch, M. Lindén, M. Fröba, in: Recent Progress in Mesostructured Materials - Proceedings of the 5th International Mesostructured Materials Symposium (IMMS2006), Shanghai, P.R. China, August 5-7, 2006, 2007.

Porous Metal Oxides as Gas Sensors

M. Tiemann, Chemistry - A European Journal (2007) 8376–8388.

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