The basis of our work is the synthesis of smart block copolymers. To realize such structures mainly controlled radical polymerizations are utilized. The three established methods for controlled radical polymerization (NMRP, ATRP and RAFT) are used and optimized for the particular system. For this purpose, new reactive monomers, ligands, initiators and transfer agents have to be synthesized. In order to increase the potential of such block copolymers polymers are synthesized by coupling different polymerization mechanisms. Special emphasis is given to (bio-)degradable, redox-active, or conductive polymers. For example, polymers are obtained with one block being a homo polymer and the other block a random copolymer. Structures based on such polymers are characterized by peculiar morphologies and hence, unique sensitive properties.
Selected publications:
Micellar Organocatalysis Using Smart Polymer Supports: Influence of Thermoresponsive Self-Assembly on Catalytic Activity
X. Yu, A. Herberg, D. Kuckling,
Polymers 2020, 12, 2265.
Synthesis of pH-cleavable poly(trimethylene carbonate)-based block copolymers via ROP and RAFT polymerization
J. Sun, S. Fransen, X. Yu, D. Kucklin
Polym. Chem. 2018, 9, 3287 – 3296.
Synthesis of Amphiphilic Block Copolymers based on SKA by RAFT-Polymerization
X. Yu, M.-T. Picker, M. Schneider, A. Herberg, S. Pascual, L. Fontaine, D. Kuckling,
Macrom. Chem. Phys. 2017, 1700506.

Head of Institute - Professorship for Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry
Office: J3.310
Phone: +49 5251 60-2171
E-mail: dirk.kuckling@uni-paderborn.de