Wel­co­me to the Su­staina­ble Ma­te­ri­a­ls Che­mi­stry Web­pa­ge!

The research interests of the group revolve around exploring the fascinating world of carbonaceous materials and their applications. The group focuses on several key areas, including the following:

Re­sea­rch to­pics

De­sign and syn­the­sis of ca­r­bo­naceous ma­te­ri­a­ls

Design and synthesis of carbonaceous materials with controlled pore structure and heteroatom doping for applications in electrocatalysis, photocatalysis, and energy storage

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Electrocatalysis using (decorated) carbonaceous materials is highly dependant on their composition and pore structure which allows to make designer materials for different reactions.

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Un­der­stan­ding elec­tro­ly­te-na­no­po­re in­ter­ac­ti­ons

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Re­sea­rch pro­jects

Pro­ject web­pa­ge

Sponsor: Paderborn University

Pro­ject web­pa­ge

Sponsor: Paderborn University

DAAD Pro­ject Af­ri­Ger SDGs

Pro­ject Web­pa­ge

Get to know about our join efforts with Fayoum University (Egypt), University of Sousse in (Tunisia) and Kyambogo University (Uganda) to create an African-German STEAM Academy!

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Con­tact box

business-card image

Jun. Prof. Nieves Lopez Salas

Sustainable Materials Chemistry - AK Jun. Prof. Lopez Salas

E-Mail schreiben +49 5251 60-5729

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