Welcome to the website of the Center for Sustainable Systems Design!

The CSSD was founded by Prof. Dr. Thomas D. Kühne and Prof. Dr. Matthias Bauer in 2019 and concentrates interdisciplinary basic research in the field of sustainability at Paderborn University. The complementary scientific orientation of the participating groups from experiment/application to spectroscopy/analytics and theory/simulation is the nucleus for new approaches in the development of sustainable systems. The CSSD will lead to innovative contributions to the sustainable use of resources and society. The respective research focus can be found by selecting the individual members below.


Prof. Dr. Matt­hi­as Bau­er

Ex­pe­ri­ment and Ap­p­li­ca­ti­on

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Prof. Dr. Gui­do Grund­mei­er

Ex­pe­ri­ment and Ap­p­li­ca­ti­on

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Prof. Dr. Tho­mas Wer­ner

Experiment and Application

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Jun.-Prof. Nie­ves Lo­pez Sa­las

Ex­pe­ri­ment and Ap­p­li­ca­ti­on

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Prof. Dr. Jan Pa­ra­dies

Ex­pe­ri­ment and Ap­p­li­ca­ti­on

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Prof. Dr. Dirk Kuckling

Ex­pe­ri­ment and Ap­p­li­ca­ti­on

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Prof. Dr. Mar­tin Brehm

Theo­ry and Si­mu­la­ti­on

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