Welcome to the

Chair of Inorganic Chemistry of Sustainable Processes

On the following pages you will find information about our research areas, current publications, job vacancies and important contact details of all staff members.

Our group focuses on the development and characterisation of functional materials for sustainable chemical processes. The role of base metals as reactive components in sustainable processes is the central topic of our research. On the one hand, new, effective materials are synthesised and tested with regard to their catalytic activity. Catalytically active materials, in turn, are investigated mechanistically in detail for the reasons for their high activity, in order to enable the design of improved catalysts in feedback. The methods used, especially at the synchrotron, are constantly being further developed to meet the requirements of the systems.


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Dr. Lorena Fritsch successfully defended her thesis with the title: Experimental and theoretical spectroscopy on molecular transition metal based systems for sustainable chemistry.


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New German-Swedish project approved as part of the Röntgen-Angström Cluster

Together with the Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, green transformations are being investigated using X-ray absorption and emission, and instrumental developments are being realised at the P64 measuring station (DESY, PETRA III). The funding from the BMBF amounts to € 1.2 million.  


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Successful beamtime at P65 (DESY)

Our team of spectroscopy experts successfully performed another beamtime on analyzing iron-based hydrogen storage materials and samples from our CRC1333. They spent one week at beamline P65 at DESY. Thanks for your effort! 

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Brand new paper on the investigation of copper hydrides accepted in Chemistry - A European Journal

Lorena's work on the detection and investigation of copper hydrides for CO2 hydrogenation using high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy was accepted and proposed for a cover. Many thanks also to our colaboration partners in Stuttgart and the CRC1333!


Re­search in­terests

Pho­to­act­ive met­al com­plexes

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X-ray spec­tro­scopy

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Cata­lysts and en­ergy ma­ter­i­als

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Do you have ques­tions or are you look­ing for a con­tact?

Here you will find a list of all current employees and alumni.

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New and Facile Preparation Method for Highly Active Iron Oxide Catalysts for CO Oxidation

S. Schlicher, R. Schoch, N. Prinz, M. Zobel, M. Bauer, Catalysts 14 (2024).

Insights into the First Multi-Transition-Metal Containing Ruddlesden Popper-Type Cathode for all-solid-state Fluoride Ion Batteries

V. Vanita, A.I. Waidha, S. Vasala, P. Puphal, R. Schoch, P. Glatzel, M. Bauer, O. Clemens, Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2024).

Detection and Characterization of Hydride Ligands in Copper Complexes by Hard X‐ray Spectroscopy

L. Fritsch, P. Rehsies, W. Barakat, D.P. Estes, M. Bauer, Chemistry – A European Journal 30 (2024).

Understanding the Redox Mechanism of Sulfurized Poly(acrylonitrile) as Highly Rate and Cycle Stable Cathode Material for Sodium-Sulfur Batteries

J. Kappler, G. Tonbul, R. Schoch, S. Murugan, M. Nowakowski, P.L. Lange, S.V. Klostermann, M. Bauer, T. Schleid, J. Kästner, M.R. Buchmeiser, Journal of The Electrochemical Society 170 (2023).

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Be­come a Bauer-Ranger!

Here you will find all the latest job advertisements for PhD, post-doc positions or offers for SHK/WHB positions. If you are interested in bachelor's or master's theses, please contact Prof. Dr. Matthias Bauer directly.