Work­ing group - Prof. Huber


Klaus Huber  

Dr. rer. nat., Dipl. Chem. Klaus Huber

principal investigator

Office: NW1.834
Phone: +49 5251 60-2125

Sec­ret­ary Of­fice

Katrin Bandzius  

Katrin Bandzius

Office: NW1.881
Phone: +49 5251 60-5762

Ph.D. Stu­dents

Leon Koch  

Leon Koch

Office: K0.12
Phone: +49 5251 60-1661

Tech­nic­al Per­son­nel

Gisela Jünnemann-Held  

Gisela Jünnemann-Held


Office: K0.22, K1.28
Phone: +49 5251 60-2582
Phone: 05251/60-1659

Susanne Keuker-Baumann  

Dipl.Ing. Susanne Keuker-Baumann

Sicherheitsbeauftragte, Differential-Scanning-Kalorimetrie, Infrarot-Mikroskopie,

Phone: +49 5251 60-2582


Name Year of dissertation Title of PhD thesis
Dr. Wenke Müller 2023 Solution behaviour of dissociative direct dyes in the presence of surfactants
Dr. Benjamin Hämisch 2022 Establishment of a model for self-assembly processes in biological systems
Dr. Mahnaz Doostdar Kejdehi  2022 Investigation of dyestuff aggregation via static and dynamic light scattering and ultraviolet spectroscopy
Dr. Nico Schmidt


Untersuchung von Phasenumwandlungen in Polylactid mittels Kleinwinkellichtstreuung
Dr. Nico Carl 2020 Self-assembly of polyelectrolytes and oppositely charged multivalent cations
Dr. Marina Kley 2017 Silica particle formation from supersaturated aqueous solution and the influence of polymeric additives
Dr. Markus Hansch 2017 Investigations on Polystyrene Sulfonates and Polyacrylates in the Presence of Specifically Interaction Cations
Dr. Carlos G. Lopez   PostDoc until 2016
Olga Rabcenko   Scientific coworker until 2016
Dr. Sanjib Saha   PostDoc until 2016
Dr. Anna Ezhova 2015 Interaction of Ag+ Ions with linear polyacrylate chains and spherical poylacrylate brushes and Ag naonoparticle Formation therein
Matthias Bürger   Scientific coworker until 2015
Dr. Rolf Michels 2014 Self-Organization of Two Anionic Azo Dyes in the Presence of Alkaline Earth Ions
Dr. Martin Schneider 2014 SANS-Untersuchungen an Blends aus vernetzten Kolloiden und linearen Polymeren
Dr. Todor Hikov   PostDoc until 2012
Roman Nayuk   Scientific coworker until 2012
Dr. Frank Bayer 2011 Hydrogen bond induced binary colloidal systems
Dr. Sebastian Lages 2010 Untersuchungen zum Kollabierungs- und Aggregationsverhalten von gelösten Polyacrylaten in Gegenwart zweiwertiger Kationen
Dr. Jianing Liu   PostDoc until 2008
Stefan Leiding   Scientific coworker until 2007
Dr. Raymond Hodiamont 2006 Synthese aminosäurehaltiger Nickelverbindungen für den Einsatz in der homogen katalysierten Polymerisation von Ethen In collaboration with Prof. Dr. Drießen-Hölscher
Dr. Thomas Witte 2005 Untersuchungen zur Aggregation mesoskopischer Systeme mittels zeitaufgelöster, statischer Lichtstreuung
Dr. Thomas Kramer 2005 Untersuchungen an Kolloid-Polymer-Gemischen im Protein- und Kolloid-Limit
Dr. Ralf Schweins 2002 Gestaltsänderungen gelöster anionischer Polyacrylketten in Gegenwart von Erdalkaliionen
