January | Nieves together with Teresa attending the New Year's reception UPB 2025 for receiving the Forshungspreis 2024! |
January | First gathering together of SMC |
December | Ying visiting A/Prof. Su's lab in Hebei University of Science and Technology |
November | |
October | Umar joined the group as a PhD student, sponsored by DAAD scholarship |
September | Prof. Zeng from Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Science visiting our lab |
June | Marta visiting the group throug Erasmus exchange program |
May | The group visit UCLM in Spain for Circular Economy Exhibition, funded by Erasmus funding |
May | Dr. Josep Albero Sancho from University of Valencia, Spain visiting the group |
April | Ying giving a lecture at UPB for Future 2024 |
March | Farewell to Bernard |

February | Dr. Pablo Jiménez-Calvo visiting the group |
February | Dr. Ying receives postdoctoral fellowship from Paderborn University! Congrats! |
January | We had our first New Year´s gathering |

April | We welcomed Irene Lamata, the group's first PhD student! |
June | We welcomed Alexandra Glass, the group's second PhD student! |
July | We welcomed Ying Pan, the group's first Postdoctoral researcher! |
August | Prof. Benjamin Butz visited us at UPB and gave a lecture on "Advanced microscopy of challenging materials and devices" |
September | Prof. Ahmed Kahlil (E-JUST, Egypt) visited us together with his team! |

October | We attended SUPERBAT Course about batteries and supercars in Madrid (Spain) |
| We welcomed Bernard Dawai (DAAD PhD Fellow) for 6 months stay in our group. He visited us to carry out his project "Investigations of the photocatalytic properties of some Zr-MOF@COF core-shell materials for hydrogen generation via water splitting under visible light" |
December | We were part of the 2023 Technical Chemistry Kolloquium |

Irene lamata got one of the Best Posters Awards at the GDCh poster sesion at UPB! Congrats! |