
Nieves together with Teresa attending the New Year's reception UPB 2025 for receiving the Forshungspreis 2024!


January First gathering together of SMC



December Ying visiting A/Prof. Su's lab in Hebei University of Science and Technology
October Umar joined the group as a PhD student, sponsored by DAAD scholarship
September Prof. Zeng from Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Science visiting our lab
June Marta visiting the group throug Erasmus exchange program
May The group visit UCLM in Spain for Circular Economy Exhibition, funded by Erasmus funding
May Dr. Josep Albero Sancho from University of Valencia, Spain visiting the group
April Ying giving a lecture at UPB for Future 2024
March Farewell to Bernard



February Dr. Pablo Jiménez-Calvo visiting the group
February Dr. Ying receives postdoctoral fellowship from Paderborn University! Congrats!


We had our first New Year´s gathering





We welcomed Irene Lamata, the group's first PhD student!


We welcomed Alexandra Glass, the group's second PhD student!


We welcomed Ying Pan, the group's first Postdoctoral researcher!

August Prof. Benjamin Butz visited us at UPB and gave a lecture on "Advanced microscopy of challenging materials and devices"
September  Prof. Ahmed Kahlil (E-JUST, Egypt) visited us together with his team!



We attended SUPERBAT Course about batteries and supercars in Madrid (Spain)


We welcomed Bernard Dawai (DAAD PhD Fellow) for 6 months stay in our group. He visited us to carry out his project "Investigations of the photocatalytic properties of some Zr-MOF@COF core-shell materials for hydrogen generation via water splitting under visible light"


We were part of the 2023 Technical Chemistry Kolloquium


  Irene lamata got one of the Best Posters Awards at the GDCh poster sesion at UPB! Congrats!