Sus­tain­able Ma­ter­i­als Chem­istry Team

Ju­ni­or Pro­fess­or

business-card image

Jun. Prof. Nieves Lopez Salas

Sustainable Materials Chemistry - AK Jun. Prof. Lopez Salas

Write email +49 5251 60-5729

Postdoc­tor­al Re­search­ers

Dr. Ying Pan


Dr. Ying Pan is now a postdoctoral researcher under the supervision of Jun. Prof. M. Nieves Lopez Salas in the Department of Chemistry at Paderborn University. She obtained her Ph.D. degree from the University of New South Wales (UNSW, Sydney) in 2020. Her research interests mainly focus on the synthesis of different catalysts, including metal-based materials, carbonaceous materials, and metal/carbonaceous composites, as well as exploring the application of these materials into electrocatalysis and photocatalysis.​

PhD Irene Lamata Bermejo


Co-supervisor: Prof. Claudia Schmidt

Irene Lamata comes from Guadalajara, Spain. She obtained her chemistry degree at the University of Zaragoza. During her undergradute studies she took part in the erasmus + programme and spent her last year at the university of Ostrava, Czech Repulic, where she carried out a reasearch project in carbon materials. She wanted to continue growing her knowledge in materials and in 2021, she moved to Seville to get her Master´s degree in Material Science by the University of Seville. While she was doing her masters thesis, she worked as a reasercher  at the biomimetic and multifunctional materials group, where she dived deeper into carbonaceous materials. She found the topic very exciting and decided to come to Germany to work in the Sustainable Materials Group as a PhD student! She will study the the interactions between liquids and carbonaceous materials by solid state NMR.

PhD Alexandra Glass

Alexandra Glass is a doctoral student in the group Sustainable Materials Chemistry. Already during her high school time, she was fascinated about all topics she was taught in the chemistry class. Her interest to study chemistry at a university was encouraged by her teachers which led her to Paderborn University. After completing the Bachelor of Chemistry in Paderborn she switched to Materials Science for the master’s degree to broaden her knowledge on materials in general, but still holding a focus on chemistry with the offered elective courses. She concluded her master’s degree with a thesis on (near-ambient pressure) XPS studies of metal oxides under the supervision of Dr. Christian Weinberger and PD Dr. Teresa de los Arcos de Pedro. To broaden her knowledge on materials even further, she applied for the position in the group of Jun. Prof. Nieves Lopez Salas to work on sustainable carbonaceous materials and study them with near-ambient pressure XPS.

Mas­ter Stu­dents

Ramy Saad (MaWi)

Ramy Saad is a Master student in the group Sustainable Materials Chemistry that studies water-carbonaceous materials interactions using solid-state NMR.

Co-supervisor: Prof. Claudia Schmidt

Rebecca Clement (MaWi)

Rebecca Clement is a Master student in the group Sustainable Materials Chemistry that studies the effect of pore size distribution and pore composition of carbonaceous materials on their electrochemical performance as electrodes for energy storage devices.





Bach­el­or Stu­dents

Former Bachelor Students

Yanfei Huang (Chemistry)


Miguel Angel Gouzy Bothert (Chemistry)