Dr Ramya Kormath Madam Raghupathy

Theoretische Chemie - Arbeitskreis Kühne
33098 Paderborn

Sonstiges |
Seit 16.10.2017 |
Postdoktorandin, Theoretische Chemie, Universität Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany |
18.01.2017 - 30.09.2017 |
Postdoktorandin, Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische Physik fester Stoffe, Dresden, Germany |
25.01.2016 - 30.12.2016 |
Visiting Researcher, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune, Pune, India |
03.11.2014 - 31.10.2015 |
Postdoktorandin, Department Chemie, Universität Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland |
04.01.2010 - 26.06.2014 |
Doktorandin, Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune, Maharashtra, India |
Seit 16.10.2017 |
Postdoktorandin, Theoretische Chemie, Universität Paderborn, Paderborn, Germany |
18.01.2017 - 30.09.2017 |
Postdoktorandin, Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische Physik fester Stoffe, Dresden, Germany |
25.01.2016 - 30.12.2016 |
Visiting Researcher, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune, Pune, India |
03.11.2014 - 31.10.2015 |
Postdoktorandin, Department Chemie, Universität Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland |
04.01.2010 - 26.06.2014 |
Doktorandin, Department of Chemistry, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Pune, Maharashtra, India |
Aktuelle Publikationen
Interfacial Covalent Bonds Regulated Electron-Deficient 2D Black Phosphorus for Electrocatalytic Oxygen Reactions
X. Wang, R. Kormath Madam Raghupathy, C.J. Querebillo, Z. Liao, D. Li, K. Lin, M. Hantusch, Z. Sofer, B. Li, E. Zschech, I.M. Weidinger, T. Kühne, H. Mirhosseini, M. Yu, X. Feng, Advanced Materials 33 (2021) 2008752.
Virtual screening of nitrogen-, phosphorous- and halide-containing materials as p-type transparent conductors
H. Wiebeler, R. Kormath Madam Raghupathy, S.H. Mirhosseini, T. Kühne, Journal of Physics: Materials 4 (2020) 015004.
In silico investigation of Cu(In,Ga)Se2-based solar cells
S.H. Mirhosseini, R. Kormath Madam Raghupathy, S.K. Sahoo, H. Wiebeler, M. Chugh, T. Kühne, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 22 (2020) 26682–26701.
A High-Rate Two-Dimensional Polyarylimide Covalent Organic Framework Anode for Aqueous Zn-Ion Energy Storage Devices
M. Yu, N. Chandrasekhar, R. Kormath Madam Raghupathy, K.H. Ly, H. Zhang, E. Dmitrieva, C. Liang, X. Lu, T. Kühne, S.H. Mirhosseini, I.M. Weidinger, X. Feng, Journal of the American Chemical Society 142 (2020) 19570–19578.
Vibrational Properties of RbInSe2: Raman Scattering Spectroscopy and First-Principle Calculations
M. Guc, T. Kodalle, R. Kormath Madam Raghupathy, H. Mirhosseini, T.D. Kühne, I. Becerril-Romero, A. Pérez-Rodríguez, C.A. Kaufmann, V. Izquierdo-Roca, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 (2019) 1285–1291.
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