Art­icles about our work

Ma­chine learn­ing in sus­tain­able chem­istry

Dr S. Alireza Ghasemi, a physicist at Paderborn University, has received a Georg Forster Research Fellowship from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. The funding will be used to set up a research group to investigate new machine learning methods for photocatalytic water splitting. Ghasemi is a member of Professor Thomas D. Kühne’s “Theoretical Chemistry” research group. → READ MORE

Ap­prox­im­ate Com­put­ing Meth­ods con­trib­uted to the CP2K Atom­ist­ic Sim­u­la­tion Pro­gram Pack­age

In 2018, Prof. Christian Plessl (Chair for High-Performance IT Systems) and Prof. Thomas D. Kühne (Chair for Theoretical Chemistry) have been awarded the Paderborn University Research Award for their project "Green IT: Exact Computations with inexact but energy-efficient computers''. The objective of this interdisciplinary project was to study the feasibility of the "Approximate Computing" paradigm for scientific applications. → READ MORE

Deep in­sights in­to the in­ter­molecu­lar en­ergy trans­fer in wa­ter

Water is an essential substance for life. In living organisms, the same property makes water an efficient heat buffer for the functioning of biochemical reactions. So-called hydrogen bridge bonds play a central role in this process. However, the energy flow in this complex network of bonds has not yet been fully investigated at the molecular level. → READ MORE

Suc­cess­ful In­ter­na­tion­al Winter School on Elec­tron­ic Struc­ture Cal­cu­la­tions

From Monday, February 10th to Friday, February 14th, the Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing (PC²) and the Chair for Dynamics of Condensed Matter at Paderborn University organized an international winter school on electronic structure calculations. → READ MORE

PC² Re­search and ser­vice re­port 1/2017-6/2019

The latest edition of the Paderborn Center for Parallel Computing research and service report is available for download now.

Su­per­com­puter Noc­tua in­aug­ur­ated

On September 21, the new super-computer “Noctua” (Latin: Little Owl) was inaugurated at Paderborn Univer-sity. The high-performance computing system is expected to be one of the ten most powerful university installations within Germany. This is the first step on the path into a new era: The construction of a new data center and research facility will commence in 2019, with the federal state of Germany, the state North Rhine-Westphalia and Paderborn University contributing a total of €25.4M until 2022. → READ MORE