

[119] Monitoring phage infection and lysis of surface-immobilized bacteria by QCM-D
B.K. Pothineni, R. Probst, D. Kiefer, V. Dobretzberger, I. Barišić, G. Grundmeier, and A. Keller
Anal. Bioanal. Chem. (2025)
[118] DNA Origami Adsorption and Lattice Formation on Different SiOx Surfaces
B.K. Pothineni, C. Theile-Rasche, H. Müller, G. Grundmeier, T. de los Arcos, and A. Keller
Chem. Eur. J. 31 (2025) e202404108 
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[117] Ion-Dependent Stability of DNA Origami Nanostructures in the Presence of Photo-Generated Reactive Oxygen Species
L. Rabbe, J.A. Garcia-Diosa, G. Grundmeier, and A. Keller
Small Struct. 5 (2024) 2400094
[116] Highly Efficient Quenching of Singlet Oxygen by DNA Origami Nanostructures
J.A. Garcia-Diosa, G. Grundmeier, and A. Keller
Chem. Eur. J. 30 (2024) e202402057
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[115] AFM-IR investigation of thin PECVD SiOx films on a polypropylene substrate in the surface-sensitive mode
H. Müller, H. Stadler, T. de los Arcos, A. Keller, and G. Grundmeier
Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 15 (2024) 603
[114] Cold denaturation of DNA origami nanostructures
D. Dornbusch, M. Hanke, E. Tomm, C. Kielar, G. Grundmeier, A. Keller, and K. Fahmy
Chem. Commun. 60 (2024) 5590
[113] Effect of DNA Origami Nanostructures on Bacterial Growth
J.A. Garcia-Diosa, G. Grundmeier, and A. Keller
ChemBioChem 25 (2024), e202400091
[112] Molecular Adhesion of a Pilus-derived Peptide Involved in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilm Formation on Non-Polar ZnO Surfaces
T. Prüßner, D. Meinderink, S. Zhu, A.G. Orive, C. Kielar, M. Huck, H.-G. Steinrück, A. Keller, and G. Grundmeier
Chem. Eur. J. 30 (2024) e202302464
[111] High-speed AFM studies of macromolecular dynamics at solid/liquid interfaces
A. Keller and G. Grundmeier, in Encyclopedia of Solid-Liquid Interfaces, K. Wandelt and G. Bussetti, Ed. (Elsevier, 2024) ISBN 9780124095472
[110] Thermophoretic Analysis of Biomolecules across the Nanoscales in Self-Assembled Polymeric Matrices
P. Liu, N. Schumann, F. Abele, F. Ren, M. Hanke, Y. Xin, A. Hartmann, M. Schlierf, A. Keller, W. Lin, and Y. Zhang
ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 6, 19148 (2023)
[109] Superstructure-dependent stability of DNA origami nanostructures in the presence of chaotropic denaturants
M. Hanke, D. Dornbusch, E. Tomm, G. Grundmeier, K. Fahmy, and A. Keller
Nanoscale 15, 16590 (2023) 
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[108] Adsorption of Ferritin at Nanofaceted Al2O3 Surfaces
B.K. Pothineni, S. Kollmann, X. Li, G. Grundmeier, D.J. Erb, and A. Keller
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24, 12808 (2023)
[107] Multiprotein Adsorption from Human Serum at Gold and Oxidized Iron Surfaces Studied by Atomic Force Microscopy and Polarization-Modulation Infrared Reflection Absorption Spectroscopy
J. Huang, Y. Qiu, F. Lücke, J. Su, G. Grundmeier, and A. Keller
Molecules 28, 6060 (2023)
[106] Cation-dependent assembly of hexagonal DNA origami lattices on SiO2 surfaces
B.K. Pothineni, G. Grundmeier, and A. Keller
Nanoscale 15, 12894 (2023)
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[105] Electrode Potential-Dependent Studies of Protein Adsorption on Ti6Al4V Alloy
B. Duderija, A. González-Orive, C. Ebbert, V. Neßlinger, A. Keller, and G. Grundmeier
Molecules 28, 5109 (2023)
[104] Effect of Ionic Strength on the Thermal Stability of DNA Origami Nanostructures
M. Hanke, E. Tomm, G. Grundmeier, and A. Keller
ChemBioChem 24, e2023003 (2023)
[103] Stability of DNA Origami Nanostructures in Physiological Media: The Role of Molecular Interactions
V. Linko and A. Keller
Small 19, 2301935 (2023) (invited review article)
[102] Nanoparticle-Based Formulations of Glycopeptide Antibiotics: A Means for Overcoming Vancomycin Resistance in Bacterial Pathogens?
B.K. Pothineni and A. Keller
Adv. NanoBiomed Res. 3, 2200134 (2023) (invited review article)
[101] Large-Scale Formation of DNA Origami Lattices on Silicon
K. Tapio, C. Kielar, J.M. Parikka, A. Keller, H. Järvinen, K. Fahmy, and J.J. Toppari
Chem. Mater. 35, 1961 (2023)
[100] Dynamics of DNA Origami Lattices
S. Julin, A. Keller, and V. Linko
Bioconjugate Chem. 34, 18 (2023) (review article)
[99] Genotype-phenotype mapping with polyominos made from DNA origami tiles
Y. Dreher, J. Fichtler, C. Karfusehr, K. Jahnke, Y. Xin, A. Keller, and K. Göpfrich
Biophys. J. 121, 4840 (2022)
[98] Time-Dependent DNA Origami Denaturation by Guanidinium Chloride, Guanidinium Sulfate, and Guanidinium Thiocyanate
M. Hanke, N. Hansen, E. Tomm, G. Grundmeier, and A. Keller
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23, 8547 (2022)
[97] Effect of Surface Hydrophobicity on the Adsorption of a Pilus-Derived Adhesin-like Peptide
Y. Yang, J. Huang, D. Dornbusch, G. Grundmeier, K. Fahmy, A. Keller, and D.L. Cheung
Langmuir 38, 9257 (2022)
[96] Direct visualization of the drug loading of single DNA origami nanostructures by AFM-IR nanospectroscopy
M. Hanke, G. Grundmeier, and A. Keller
Nanoscale 14, 11552 (2022)
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[95] Anion-specific structure and stability of guanidinium-bound DNA origami
M. Hanke, D. Dornbusch, C. Hadlich, A. Rossberg, N. Hansen, G. Grundmeier, S. Tsushima, A. Keller, and K. Fahmy
Comput. Struct. Biotechnol. J. 20, 2611 (2022)

The HSP40 chaperone Ydj1 drives amyloid beta 42 toxicity
J. Ring, J. Tadic, S. Ristic, M. Poglitsch, M. Bergmann, N. Radic, D. Mossmann, Y.T. Liang, M. Maglione, A. Jerkovic, R. Hajiraissi, M. Hanke, V. Küttner, H. Wolinski, A. Zimmermann, L. Domuz Trifunovic, L. Mikolasch, D.N. Moretti, F. Broeskamp, J. Westermayer, C. Abraham, S. Schauer, C. Dammbrueck, S.J. Hofer, M. Abdellatif, G. Grundmeier, G. Kroemer, R.J. Braun, N. Hansen, C. Sommer, M. Ninkovic, S. Seba, P. Rockenfeller, F.-N. Vögtle, J. Dengjel, C. Meisinger, A. Keller, S.J. Sigrist, T. Eisenberg, and F. Madeo
EMBO Mol. Med. 14, e13952 (2022)

[93] Environment-Dependent Stability and Mechanical Properties of DNA Origami Six-Helix Bundles with Different Crossover Spacings
Y. Xin, P. Piskunen, A. Suma, C. Li, H. Ijäs, S. Ojasalo, I. Seitz, M.A. Kostiainen, G. Grundmeier, V. Linko, and A. Keller
Small 18, 2107393 (2022)
[92] Salting-Out of DNA Origami Nanostructures by Ammonium Sulfate
M. Hanke, N. Hansen, R. Chen, G. Grundmeier, K. Fahmy, and A. Keller
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23, 2817 (2022)
[91] Influence of proteins on the corrosion of a conventional and selective laser beam melted FeMn alloy in physiological electrolytes
J. Huang, A. Gonzalez Orive, J.T. Krüger, K.-P. Hoyer, A. Keller, and G. Grundmeier
Corros. Sci. 200, 110186 (2022)
[90] Influence of hydrogel coatings on corrosion and fatigue of iron in simulated body fluid
J. Huang, M. Voigt, S. Wackenrohr, C. Ebbert, A. Keller, H.J. Maier, and G. Grundmeier
Mater. Corros. 73, 1034 (2022)
[89] Influence of thickness, homogeneity, and morphology of TiO2-m nanoparticle coatings on cancer cell adhesion
J.A. Garcia Diosa, A. Gonzalez Orive, G. Grundmeier, A. Keller, and R.J. Camargo Amado
Surf. Coat. Technol. 427, 127823 (2021)
[88] Morphological Dynamics of Leukemia Cells on TiO2 Nanoparticle Coatings Studied by AFM
J.A. Garcia Diosa, A. Gonzalez Orive, G. Grundmeier, R.J. Camargo Amado, and A. Keller
Appl. Sci. 11, 9898 (2021)
[87] Self-Assembled Fibrinogen Hydro- and Aerogels with Fibrin-like 3D Structures
D. Hense, A. Büngeler, F. Kollmann, M. Hanke, A. Orive, A. Keller, G. Grundmeier, K. Huber, and O.I. Strube
Biomacromolecules 22, 4084 (2021)
[86] Magnesium-Free Immobilization of DNA Origami Nanostructures at Mica Surfaces for Atomic Force Microscopy
Y. Xin, A.A. Zargariantabrizi, G. Grundmeier, and A. Keller
Molecules 26, 4798 (2021)
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[85] Strain-Dependent Adsorption of Pseudomonas aeruginosa-Derived Adhesin-like Peptides at Abiotic Surfaces
Y. Yang, S. Schwiderek, G. Grundmeier, and A. Keller
Micro 1, 129 (2021)
[84] Ion Beam Nanopatterning of Biomaterial Surfaces
Y. Yang and A. Keller
Appl. Sci. 11, 6575 (2021) (invited review article)
[83] TiO2 nanoparticle coatings on glass surfaces for the selective trapping of leukemia cells from peripheral blood
J.A. Garcia Diosa, A. Gonzalez Orive, C. Weinberger, S. Schwiderek, S. Knust, M. Tiemann, G. Grundmeier, A. Keller, and R.J. Camargo Amado
J. Biomed. Mater. Res. B 109, 2142 (2021)
[82] Nanoscale Surface Topography Modulates hIAPP Aggregation Pathways at Solid–Liquid Interfaces
M. Hanke, Y. Yang, Y. Ji, G. Grundmeier, and A. Keller
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 22, 5142 (2021)
[81] Scaling up DNA Origami Lattice Assembly
Y. Xin, B. Shen, M.A. Kostiainen, G. Grundmeier, M. Castro, V. Linko, and A. Keller
Chem. - Eur. J. 27, 8564 (2021)
[80] Unraveling the interaction between doxorubicin and DNA origami nanostructures for customizable chemotherapeutic drug release
H. Ijäs, B. Shen, A. Heuer-Jungemann, A. Keller, M.A. Kostiainen, T. Liedl, J.A. Ihalainen, and V. Linko
Nucleic Acids Res. 49, 3048 (2021)
[79] Protein Adsorption at Nanorough Titanium Oxide Surfaces: The Importance of Surface Statistical Parameters beyond Surface Roughness
Y. Yang, S. Knust, S. Schwiderek, Q. Qin, Q. Yun, G. Grundmeier, and A. Keller
Nanomaterials 11, 357 (2021)
[78] Biotemplated Lithography of Inorganic Nanostructures (BLIN) for Versatile Patterning of Functional Materials
P. Piskunen, B. Shen, A. Keller, J.J. Toppari, M.A. Kostiainen, and V. Linko
ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 4, 529 (2021)
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[77] DNA Nanostructures in the Fight Against Infectious Diseases
D.M. Smith and A. Keller
Adv. NanoBiomed Res. 1, 2000049 (2021) (invited review article)
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[76] Adsorption of SARS‐CoV‐2 Spike Protein S1 at Oxide Surfaces Studied by High‐Speed Atomic Force Microscopy
Y. Xin, G. Grundmeier, and A. Keller
Adv. NanoBiomed Res. 1, 2000024 (2021)
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[75] Effect of nanoscale surface topography on the adsorption of globular proteins
Y. Yang, M. Yu, F. Böke, Q. Qin, R. Hübner, S. Knust, S. Schwiderek, G. Grundmeier, H. Fischer, and A. Keller
Appl. Surf. Sci. 535, 147671 (2021)
[74] Effect of DNA Origami Nanostructures on hIAPP Aggregation
M. Hanke, A. Gonzalez Orive, G. Grundmeier, and A. Keller
Nanomaterials 10, 2200 (2020)
[73] Protein-Assisted Room-Temperature Assembly of Rigid, Immobile Holliday Junctions and Hierarchical DNA Nanostructures
S. Ramakrishnan, S. Subramaniam, C. Kielar, G. Grundmeier, A.F. Stewart, and A. Keller
Molecules 25, 5099 (2020)
[72] Arranging Small Molecules with Sub-Nanometer Precision on DNA Origami Substrates for the Single-Molecule Investigation of Protein-Ligand Interactions
J. Huang, A. Suma, M. Cui, G. Grundmeier, V. Carnevale, Y. Zhang, C. Kielar, and A. Keller
Small Struct. 1, 2000038 (2020)
[71] Self-assembly of highly ordered DNA origami lattices at solid-liquid interfaces by controlling cation binding and exchange
Y. Xin, S. Martinez Rivadeneira, G. Grundmeier, M. Castro, and A. Keller
Nano Res. 13, 3142 (2020)
[70] Quantitative Assessment of Tip Effects in Single‐Molecule High‐Speed Atomic Force Microscopy using DNA Origami Substrates
C. Kielar, S. Zhu, G. Grundmeier, and A. Keller
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 59, 14336 (2020)
[69] Dynamics of lattice defects in mixed DNA origami monolayers
Y. Xin, X. Ji, G. Grundmeier, and A. Keller
Nanoscale 12, 9733 (2020)
[68] Cryopreservation of DNA Origami Nanostructures
Y. Xin, C. Kielar, S. Zhu, C. Sikeler, X. Xu, C. Möser, G. Grundmeier, T. Liedl, A. Heuer‐Jungemann, D.M. Smith, and  A. Keller
Small 16, 1905959 (2020)
[67] Challenges and Perspectives of DNA Nanostructures in Biomedicine
A. Keller and V. Linko
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 59, 15818 (2020) (invited review article)
[66] Amyloid aggregation at solid-liquid interfaces: perspectives of studies using model surfaces
A. Keller and G. Grundmeier
Appl. Surf. Sci. 506, 144991 (2020) (perspective article)
[65] Self-Assembly of Fibrinogen in Aqueous, Thrombin-Free Solutions of Variable Ionic Strength
B. Hämisch, A. Büngeler, C. Kielar, A. Keller, O.I. Strube, and K. Huber
Langmuir 35, 12113 (2019)
[64] Enhancing the stability of DNA origami nanostructures: staple strand redesign versus enzymatic ligation
S. Ramakrishnan, L. Schärfen, K. Hunold, S. Fricke, G. Grundmeier, M. Schlierf, A. Keller, and G. Krainer
Nanoscale 11, 16270 (2019)
[63] Effect of Staple Age on DNA Origami Nanostructure Assembly and Stability
C. Kielar, Y. Xin, X. Xu, S. Zhu, N. Gorin, G. Grundmeier, C. Möser, D.M. Smith, and A. Keller
Molecules 24, 2577 (2019)
[62] Real‐Time Observation of Superstructure‐Dependent DNA Origami Digestion by DNase I Using High‐Speed Atomic Force Microscopy
S. Ramakrishnan, B. Shen, M. A. Kostiainen, G. Grundmeier, A. Keller, and V. Linko
ChemBioChem 20, 2818 (2019)
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[61] DNA origami directed 3D nanoparticle superlattice via electrostatic assembly
S. Julin, A. Korpi, Nonappa, B. Shen, V. Liljeström, O. Ikkala, A. Keller, V. Linko, and M.A. Kostiainen
Nanoscale 11, 4546 (2019)
[60] Effect of Terminal Modifications on the Adsorption and Assembly of hIAPP(20–29)
R. Hajiraissi, M. Hanke, A. Gonzalez Orive, B. Duderija, U. Hofmann, Y. Zhang, G. Grundmeier, and A. Keller
ACS Omega 4, 2649 (2019)
[59] Dynamics of DNA Origami Lattice Formation at Solid-Liquid Interfaces 
C. Kielar, S. Ramakrishnan, S. Fricke, G. Grundmeier, and A. Keller 
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 10, 44844 (2018)
[58] Structural stability of DNA origami nanostructures under application-specific conditions
S. Ramakrishnan, H. Ijäs, V. Linko, and A. Keller
Comput. Struct. Biotechnol. J. 16, 342 (2018) (invited mini review)
[57] Pharmacophore Nanoarrays on DNA Origami Substrates as a Single‐Molecule Assay for Fragment‐Based Drug Discovery
C. Kielar, F.V. Reddavide, S. Tubbenhauer, M. Cui, X. Xu, G. Grundmeier, Y. Zhang, and A. Keller
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 57, 14873 (2018)
[56] Superstructure-Dependent Loading of DNA Origami Nanostructures with a Groove-Binding Drug
F. Kollmann, S. Ramakrishnan, B. Shen, G. Grundmeier, M.A. Kostiainen, V. Linko, and A. Keller
ACS Omega 3, 9441 (2018)
[55] Directed Protein Adsorption Through DNA Origami Masks
S. Ramakrishnan, G. Grundmeier, and A. Keller, in DNA Nanotechnology: Methods and Protocols. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 1811, G. Zuccheri, Ed. (Humana Press, 2018) ISBN 978-1-4939-8582-1
[54] On the Stability of DNA Origami Nanostructures in Low‐Magnesium Buffers
C. Kielar, Y. Xin, B. Shen, M.A. Kostiainen, G. Grundmeier, V. Linko, and A. Keller
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 57, 9470 (2018)
[53] On the Adsorption of DNA Origami Nanostructures in Nanohole Arrays
K. Brassat, S. Ramakrishnan, J. Bürger, M. Hanke, M. Doostdar, J.K.N. Lindner, G. Grundmeier, and A. Keller
Langmuir 34, 14757 (2018)
[52] Ultrasound-mediated deposition and cytocompatibility of apatite-like coatings on magnesium alloys
C.-N. Liu, F. Böke, M. Gebhard, A. Devi, H. Fischer, A. Keller, and G. Grundmeier
Surf. Coat. Technol. 345, 167 (2018)
[51] Analysis of polymer/oxide interfaces under ambient conditions – An experimental perspective
A. González-Orive, I. Giner, T. de los Arcos, A. Keller, and G. Grundmeier
Appl. Surf. Sci. 442, 581 (2018)
[50] Adsorption and Fibrillization of Islet Amyloid Polypeptide at Self-Assembled Monolayers Studied by QCM-D, AFM, and PM-IRRAS
R. Hajiraissi, M. Hanke, Y. Yang, B. Duderija, A. Gonzalez Orive, G. Grundmeier, and A. Keller
Langmuir 34, 2517 (2018)
[49] Cation-Induced Stabilization and Denaturation of DNA Origami Nanostructures in Urea and Guanidinium Chloride
S. Ramakrishnan, G. Krainer, G. Grundmeier, M. Schlierf, and A. Keller
Small 13, 1702100 (2017)
[48] Analysis of Acid-Base Interactions at Al2O3 (11‐20) Interfaces by means of Single Molecule Force Spectroscopy
B. Mosebach, B. Ozkaya, I. Giner, A. Keller, and G. Grundmeier
Appl. Surf. Sci. 420, 296 (2017)
[47] Corrosion properties of bioresorbable FeMn-Ag alloys prepared by selective laser melting
M. Wiesener, K. Peters, A. Taube, A. Keller, K.-P. Hoyer, T. Niendorf, and G. Grundmeier
Mater. Corros. 68, 1028 (2017)
[46] Self-Assembly, Dynamics, and Polymorphism of hIAPP(20-29) Aggregates at Solid-Liquid Interfaces
R. Hajiraissi, I. Giner, G. Grundmeier, and A. Keller
Langmuir 33, 372 (2017)
[45] Regular Nanoscale Protein Patterns via Directed Adsorption through Self-Assembled DNA Origami Masks
S. Ramakrishnan, S. Subramaniam, A.F. Stewart, G. Grundmeier, and A. Keller
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8, 31239 (2016)
[44] Temperature-Dependent Charge Transport through Individually Contacted DNA Origami-Based Au Nanowires
B. Teschome, S. Facsko, T. Schönherr, J. Kerbusch, A. Keller, and A. Erbe
Langmuir 32, 10159 (2016)
[43] DNA annealing by Redβ is insufficient for homologous recombination and the additional requirements involve intra- and inter-molecular interactions
S. Subramaniam, A. Erler, J. Fu, A. Kranz, J. Tang, M. Gopalswamy, S. Ramakrishnan, A. Keller, G. Grundmeier, D. Müller, M. Sattler, and A.F. Stewart
Sci. Rep. 6, 34525 (2016)
[42] Carbon:nickel nanocomposite templates - predefined stable catalysts for diameter-controlled growth of single-walled carbon nanotubes
S. Melkhanova, M. Haluska, R. Hübner, T. Kunze, A. Keller, G. Abrasonis, S. Gemming, and M. Krause
Nanoscale 8, 14888 (2016)
[41] Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PE-CVD) yields better Hydrolytical Stability of Biocompatible SiOx Thin Films on Implant Alumina Ceramics Compared to Rapid Thermal Evaporation Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD)
F. Böke, I. Giner, A. Keller, G. Grundmeier, and H. Fischer
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8, 17805 (2016)
[40] Anisotropic metal growth on phospholipid nanodiscs via lipid bilayer expansion
J. Oertel, A. Keller, J. Prinz, B. Schreiber, R. Hübner, J. Kerbusch, I. Bald, and K. Fahmy
Sci. Rep. 6, 26718 (2016)
[39] Structural stability of DNA origami nanostructures in the presence of chaotropic agents
S. Ramakrishnan, G. Krainer, G. Grundmeier, M. Schlierf, and A. Keller
Nanoscale 8, 10398 (2016)
[38] Adsorption and adhesion studies of PdSn-nanoparticles on protonated amine and carboxylic acid-terminated surfaces
B. Mosebach, F.M. Bayer, C.-C. Fels, Markus Voigt, B. Oezkaya, A. Pomorska, B. Torun, A. Keller, and G. Grundmeier
Surf. Interface Anal. 48, 1017 (2016)
[37] Controlled immobilization of His-tagged proteins for protein-ligand interaction experiments using Ni2+-NTA layer on glass surfaces
C. Cherkouk, L. Rebohle, J. Lenk, A. Keller, X. Ou, M. Laube, C. Neuber, C. Haase-Kohn, W. Skorupa, and J. Pietzsch
Clin. Hemorheol. Microcirc61, 523 (2016)
[36] Alignment of gold nanoparticle-decorated DNA origami nanotubes: substrate prepatterning vs. molecular combing
B. Teschome,  S. Facsko, K.V. Gothelf, and A. Keller
Langmuir 31, 12823 (2015)
[35] Fundamental understanding of the corrosion and biomineralization of MgO surfaces – An in situ AFM study
I. Giner, A. Keller, and G. Grundmeier
Corrosion Sci. 100, 496 (2015)
[34] Low-Aspect Ratio Nanopatterns on Bioinert Alumina Influence the Response and Morphology of Osteoblast-like Cells
I. Wittenbrink, A. Hausmann, K. Schickle, I. Lauria, R. Davtalab, M. Foss, A. Keller, and H. Fischer
Biomaterials 62, 58 (2015)
[33] On the way to identify microorganisms in drinking water distribution networks via DNA analysis of the gut content of freshwater isopods
M. Mayer, A. Keller, U. Szewzyk, and H.-J. Warnecke
J. Biotechnol. 201, 54 (2015)
[32] Sequence dependence of electron-induced DNA strand breakage revealed by DNA nanoarrays
A. Keller, J. Rackwitz, E. Cauët, J. Liévin, T. Körzdörfer, A. Rotaru, K.V. Gothelf, F. Besenbacher, and I. Bald
Sci. Rep. 4, 739 (2014)
[31] Molecular Processes Studied at a Single-Molecule Level Using DNA Origami Nanostructures and Atomic Force Microscopy
I. Bald and A. Keller
Molecules 19, 13803 (2014) (review article)
[30] Paramagnetic Decoration of DNA Origami Nanostructures by Eu3+ Coordination
L. Opherden, J. Oertel, A. Barkleit, K. Fahmy, and A. Keller
Langmuir 30, 8152 (2014)
[29] Topography-controlled alignment of DNA origami nanotubes on nanopatterned surfaces
B. Teshome, S. Facsko, and A. Keller
Nanoscale 6, 1790 (2014)
[28] On the role of fluoro-substituted nucleosides in DNA radiosensitization for tumor radiation therapy
J. Kopyra, A. Keller, and I. Bald
RSC Advances 4, 6825 (2014)
[27] DNA Origami Substrates for Highly Sensitive Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering
J. Prinz, B. Schreiber, L. Olejko, J. Oertel, J. Rackwitz, A. Keller, and I. Bald
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 4, 4140 (2013)
[26] Electron-induced damage of biotin studied in the gas phase and in the condensed phase at a single-molecule level
A. Keller, J. Kopyra, K. V. Gothelf, and I. Bald
New J. Phys. 15, 083045 (2013)
[25] Reverse Epitaxy of Ge: Ordered and Facetted Surface Patterns
X. Ou, A. Keller, M. Helm, J. Fassbender, and S. Facsko
Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 016101 (2013)
[24] Mapping the local elastic properties of nanostructured germanium surfaces: from nanoporous sponges to self-organized nanodots
R. Böttger, A. Keller, L. Bischoff, and S. Facsko
Nanotechnology 24, 115702 (2013)
[23] Crossover in the surface anisotropy contributions of ferromagnetic films on rippled Si surfaces
M.O. Liedke, M. Körner, K. Lenz, M. Fritzsche, M. Ranjan, A. Keller, E. Čižmár, S.A. Zvyagin, S. Facsko, K. Potzger, J. Lindner, and J. Fassbender
Phys. Rev. B 87, 024424 (2013)
[22] Probing Electron-Induced Bond Cleavage at the Single-Molecule Level Using DNA Origami Templates
A. Keller, I. Bald, A. Rotaru, E. Cauët, K. V. Gothelf, and F. Besenbacher
ACS Nano 6, 4392 (2012)
[21] Polycrystalline Ni thin films on nanopatterned Si substrates: From highly conformal to non-conformal anisotropic growth
A. Keller, L. Peverini, J. Grenzer, G.J. Kovacs, A. Mücklich, and S. Facsko
Phys. Rev. B 84, 035423 (2011)
[20] Dynamic effects induced by renormalization in anisotropic pattern forming systems
A. Keller, M. Nicoli, S. Facsko, and R. Cuerno
Phys. Rev. E 84, 015202(R) (2011)
[19] Numerical Integrator for Continuum Equations of Surface Growth and Erosion
A. Keller, S. Facsko and R. Cuerno, in Computational Nanotechnology: Modeling and Applications with MATLAB, S.M. Musa, Ed. (CRC Press, 2011) ISBN 9781439841761
[18] Influence of Hydrophobicity on the Surface-Catalyzed Assembly of the Islet Amyloid Polypeptide
A. Keller, M. Fritzsche, Y.-P. Yu, Q. Liu, Y.-M. Li, M.D. Dong, and F. Besenbacher
ACS Nano 5, 2770 (2011)
[17] Tuning the hydrophobicity of mica surfaces by hyperthermal Ar ion irradiation
A. Keller, M. Fritzsche, R. Ogaki, I. Bald, S. Facsko, M.D. Dong, P. Kingshott, and F. Besenbacher
J. Chem. Phys. 134, 104705 (2011)
[16] Tuning the quality of nanoscale ripple patterns by sequential ion beam sputtering
A. Keller and S. Facsko
Phys. Rev. B 82, 155444 (2010)
[15] Ion-Induced Nanoscale Ripple Patterns on Si Surfaces: Theory and Experiment
A. Keller and S. Facsko
Materials 3, 4811 (2010) (invited review article)
[14] Growth of spatially ordered Ge nanoclusters in an amorphous matrix on rippled substrates
M. Buljan, J. Grenzer, A. Keller, N. Radić, V. Valeš, S. Bernstorff, T. Cornelius, H.T. Metzger, and V. Holý
Phys. Rev. B 82, 125316 (2010)
[13] Different factors’ effect on the SWNT-fluorocarbon resin interaction: A MD simulation study
J. Xie, Q. Xue, H. Chen, A. Keller, and M.D. Dong
Comp. Mater. Sci. 49, 148 (2010)
[12] Introducing artificial length scales to tailor magnetic properties
J. Fassbender, T. Strache, M.O. Liedke, D. Marko, S. Wintz, K. Lenz, A. Keller, S. Facsko, I. Mönch, and J. McCord
New J. Phys. 11, 125002 (2009)
[11] Interlayer exchange coupling of Fe/Cr/Fe thin films on rippled substrates
M. Körner, K. Lenz, M.O. Liedke, T. Strache, A. Mücklich, A. Keller, S. Facsko, and J. Fassbender
Phys. Rev. B 80, 214401 (2009)
[10] The morphology of amorphous SiO2 surfaces during low energy ion sputtering
A. Keller, S. Facsko, and W. Möller
J. Phys.-Condens. Matter 21, 495305 (2009)
[9] Transition from smoothing to roughening of ion-eroded GaSb surfaces
A. Keller, A. Biermanns, G. Carbone, J. Grenzer, S. Facsko, O. Plantevin, R. Gago, and T.H. Metzger
Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 193103 (2009)
[8] Anisotropic scaling of ripple morphologies on high-fluence sputtered silicon
A. Keller, R. Cuerno, S. Facsko, and W. Möller
Phys. Rev. B 79, 115437 (2009)
[7] Evolution of ion-induced ripple patterns on SiO2 surfaces
A. Keller, S. Facsko, and W. Möller
Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. B 267, 656 (2009)
[6] Self-organized metallic nanoparticle and nanowire arrays from ion-sputtered silicon templates
T.W.H. Oates, A. Keller, S. Noda, and S. Facsko
Appl. Phys. Lett. 93, 063106 (2008)
[5] Minimization of topological defects in ion-induced ripple patterns on silicon
A. Keller, S. Facsko, and W. Möller
New J. Phys. 10, 063004 (2008)
[4] Simultaneous formation of two ripple modes on ion sputtered silicon
A. Keller, S. Roßbach, S. Facsko, and W. Möller
Nanotechnology 19, 135303 (2008)
[3] Aligned silver nanoparticles on rippled silicon templates exhibiting anisotropic plasmon absorption
T.W.H. Oates, A. Keller, S. Facsko, and A. Mücklich
Plasmonics 2, 47 (2007)
[2] Induced anisotropies in exchange coupled systems on rippled substrates
M.O. Liedke, B. Liedke, A. Keller, B. Hillebrands, A. Mücklich, S. Facsko, and J. Fassbender
Phys. Rev. B 75, 220407(R) (2007)
[1] Interaction of highly charged ions with insulator surfaces
S. Facsko, D. Kost, A. Keller, W. Möller, Z. Pešić, and N. Stolterfoht
Radiat. Phys. Chem. 76, 387 (2007)

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PD Dr. Adrian Keller

Technische Chemie - Arbeitskreis Grundmeier

Group leader "Nanobiomaterials"

E-Mail schreiben +49 5251 60-5722

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