In­ter­faces in ad­hes­ively bon­ded met­al al­loys

To full fill the continuous increasing requirements like in the field of automotive (e.g. electromobility) adhesive bonding is one effective tool in context of hybrid light-weight constructions with long-term stable performances (e.g. interfacial polymer/metal stability). The main scientific focus of this topic is to gain fundamental understanding of the surface and interface properties under various conditions like medial stresses. One of our goal is the development of analytical methods for evaluating steel-intensive composite adhesive joint. The structural and chemical changes occurring at the interface in presence of water films or corrosive electrolytes will be studied by means of spectroscopic and microscopic methods. Furthermore, the investigation of intefacial adhesion mechanisms with the novel nano-Fourier-Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy (nano-FTIR) will lead to a deeper understanding of the interphasial chemical changes (e.g. zones of degradations, concentration gradients, penetration of water) including degradation and delamination phenomena. The application of high-resolution Scanning Kelvin Probe (HR-SKP) measurements with in-situ and ex-situ blister tests finalize the experimental access to interfacial degradation processes of adhesively bonded metal alloys.