Chemistry in Paderborn

„Paderborn Chemistry combines excellent teaching with outstanding research. In research, the focus is on the development and understanding of sustainable systems at the molecular level. In teaching, chemical concepts are taught and applied in a research-oriented manner.”

Prof. Dr. Thomas Werner,
Spokesperson of the Department of Chemistry

In­form­a­tion for

Four people on a bench, looking at smartphone, tablet or notebook.

Chem­istry alumni

Here you can find information about our alumni network!

In­ter­na­tion­al Stu­dents

Chem­istry stu­dent coun­cil

Ma­ter­i­als Sci­ence Stu­dent Coun­cil


A modern and application-oriented study programme, six degree courses that offer a wide range of qualification opportunities for science, industry and teaching, the best infrastructure in teaching and research (modern laboratory building, networked campus), a wide range of compulsory and elective courses, special focus in the field of sustainable chemistry and materials chemistry, and close integration of courses and science; studying chemistry in Paderborn is a good choice.


Quick contact with the department
